Product Pitch

You will be presenting to your advisor or instructor. Your presentation should last a minimum of 10 minutes and a maximum of 15 minutes. An additional 5 to 10 minutes will be allotted for Q&A, which may be interjected into your presentation. Our questions will primarily focus on gaining a clear understanding of your project topic and your plan to implement it.

Please note:

  1. You are required to use slides or other visuals to supplement your presentation. It is not acceptable to simply open your documentation file and talk about the project.
  2. All team members must participate. Consider planning for each member to describe one section or at least one user story.

Your presentation should be structured as follows:

  • Opening remarks [1-3 minutes]: Introduce your project and explain the problem it solves.
  • What does your application do? [4-6 minutes]: Discuss the functional requirements, or user stories, you've written. Strive to explain at least four "must-haves" and one "nice-to-have" user story. Present the user stories that make your app unique. For instance, avoid presenting a user story about user authentication, as most apps have this feature!
  • What is your plan to implement it? [5-6 minutes]: Talk about your roadmap and software stack. Specify the programming languages, tools, and frameworks you intend to use. Present the backlog for iterations 1 to 4 and elaborate on your plan.

Product Pitch Rubric (15 points)

Advisors: If any team members are absent without prior notice, please give them (the individual[s] missing, not the team) zero points for this activity!

  • [-8] Neglected to use slides or other visual aids to supplement the delivery.
  • [-3] Failed to clearly and concisely communicate the project's motivation (the problem they're addressing).
  • [-5] Presented fewer than four must-have user stories or presented trivial ones like "user authentication", which is a feature in most apps!
  • [-3] Failed to present at least one user story (a nice-to-have requirement) that captures a unique (non-trivial, beyond CRUD) feature of the app, unless there aren't any.
  • [-3] Failed to clearly outline the project's high-level software architecture, technology stack, etc.
  • [-5] Failed to clearly present and elaborate on their roadmap.
  • [-2] Little to no effort was made to generate excitement about the application.
  • [-5] The presentation was incoherent or poorly organized. The transitions between speakers were not smooth, as if they needed a mid-presentation huddle to decide the next step.
  • [-3] The presentation exceeded the allotted time.