Association Relationships in UML Class Diagrams

Association relationships in UML Class Diagrams describe how objects are related and interact within a system. This section explores various types of associations and how they are represented in UML.

Basic Association

An association represents a "has-a" relationship between classes, typically depicted as a solid line. For example, a Course having an Instructor can be represented as:

Multiplicity in Associations

Multiplicity indicators specify the number of instances of one class related to one instance of the other class. For instance:

  • A Course has exactly one Instructor:

  • An Instructor can teach one or more Courses:

Role Names and Association Names

Role names clarify the function of each class in the association. Associations can also be named to further describe the relationship.

  • Role Names:

  • Association Names:

Multiple Associations and Navigability

Classes can have more than one type of association. Navigability, indicated by an arrow, shows the direction in which methods can invoke the other class.

  • Multiple Associations:

  • Navigability:


A class can have a relationship with itself, known as self-association.

Aggregations and Compositions

  • Aggregation (hollow diamond) indicates a whole-part relationship where parts can exist independently:

  • Composition (filled diamond) implies strong ownership, where parts cannot exist without the whole: